Skroutz Product Reviews Edit the file on GitHub

Display product-related Skroutz content in your website, such as user reviews and ratings.

Πίνακας περιεχομένων

How It Looks

Inline Widget

Available Themes


Extended Widget

Available Themes

How It Works

The "Skroutz Product Reviews" widgets are displayed in your website, providing product-related Skroutz content.

  • Display product reviews and ratings at key conversion points across your website.
  • Users will have direct access to product-related Skroutz content, without having to leave your website.

"Product Reviews" service provides two versions of widgets:

Inline Widget

Displays product's rating and has the following dimensions depending on the theme you choose:

  • width: 150px, height: 70px
  • width: 260px, height: 70px
Extended Widget

Displays product's rating and reviews.

Dimensions of this widget depend on its container.


You can have both widgets visible in your website.


Inline Widget

You have to place the code below wherever you want the widget to appear on your page.

<div id="skroutz-product-reviews-inline" data-product-id="Replace with the Product ID you provide in your XML feedspec"></div>

Example in PHP

<?php $product_id = 'USE YOUR OWN ID HERE'; ?>

<div id="skroutz-product-reviews-inline" data-product-id="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($product_id) ?>"></div>

Extended Widget

You have to place the code below wherever you want the widget to appear on your page.

<div id="skroutz-product-reviews-extended" data-product-id="Replace with the Product ID you provide in your XML feedspec"></div>

Example in PHP

<?php $product_id = 'USE YOUR OWN ID HERE'; ?>

<div id="skroutz-product-reviews-extended" data-product-id="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($product_id) ?>"></div>

  1. You have to replace the value of data-product-id depending on the current product the user is seeing.
  2. As the value of data-product-id you must provide the same Unique ID that is submitted as part of the XML feedspec.

Technical Requirements

Widget Type Analytics Integration

When the widgets are displayed

"Skroutz Product Reviews" widgets are displayed, automatically, on every Analytics tracker object initialization.


"Skroutz Product Reviews" service's configuration is only available through Merchants control panel.


In order to configure "Product Reviews" service you need to have access to Merchants control panel.

Please contact the shop owner in order to change the configuration.

Available Settings
Inline Widget
Name Default Available Options Description
enabled false true, false Display or not the Inline Widget
theme Medium Black Small White, Small Grey, Small Black, Small Orange,

Medium White, Medium Grey, Medium Black, Medium Orange
Widget's theme
Extended Widget
Name Default Available Options Description
enabled false true, false Display or not the Extended Widget
theme White White, Grey Widget's background theme
visible reviews 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 How many reviews will be displayed in the widget
prompt enabled true true, false Prompt the user to write a review for products with no reviews
Name Default Available Options Description
product's info visible true true, false Display or not the product's information, such as technical specification or description.